Specifically, I can do better. When I started this blog, my mission was to share stories of women doing epic and inspiring things in the world of sport, fitness and adventure because all too often their stories were being overlooked. But the ‘if you can see it, you can be it’ mantra doesn’t work if most of these stories are white women’s stories.
I live in a world where the balance is tipped heavily in my favour because of my skin colour. This is wrong. I thought of myself as an ally because I find racism abhorrent, but that too is wrong because being passively ‘not racist’ is inadequate. So I have been reaching out and reflecting.
It doesn’t feel appropriate to share a new interview this week, so in the meantime, please read these past interviews with strong, inspiring women of colour. And, as always, if you know a woman who is breaking records, pushing the boundaries of endurance or doing something remarkable in the world of adventure, please email me at katie@lessonsinbadassery.com.
Katie x
20 QUESTIONS FOR… Ayesha McGowan, Bike Badass and Diversity Advocate
Instagram: @ayesuppose
Website: aquickbrownfox.com
Alison Désir: Running For Change
Instagram: @alisonmdesir
Tashi and Nungshi Malik: Life in the Death Zone
Instagram: @twinclimbers
WHAT IT’S LIKE TO… Climb with an Invisible disability (Anoushé Husain)
Instagram: @anoushehusain
Website: anoushehusain.com
Lydia Philip: Running from War Towards Hope
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… Jazmin Sawyers, GB Long Jumper
Instagram: @jazminsawyers
20 QUESTIONS FOR… Simone Ming: Calisthenics + Bar Star
Instagram: @ming_bars_calisthenics
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