In July this year, 43-year-old Canadian Amy Robitaille took the overall win at Ultraman Canada, finishing in a stunning 24 hours, 47-minutes and 16 seconds. The three-day event included a 10K swim and 145K bike on day one, a further 275K bike on day two, and an 84.4K run on day three. Amy finished an impressive 50 minutes ahead of second-place finisher, former triathlon world champ Leanda Cave. In fact, four of the top 5 finishers were women – high-five!
An experienced marathon runner and an Ironman finisher, Amy is no stranger to sufferfests and last year set a new overall fastest known time (FKT) record running Ontario’s 70K Caledon Trailway. She’s also completed a virtual Everest on Zwift, which saw her ascend Alpe du Zwift repeatedly in a single ride to match the 8849m elevation of Everest.